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PLS successful in having Queensland Corrective Services reconsider its decision

Prisoner X received a 5 year sentence to be suspended after 2 years in custody in the Northern Territory. In the Northern Territory, a sentencing judge can impose conditions on a suspended sentence compared to Queensland where a suspended sentence only contains one condition, not to commit an offence. Prisoner X received a set of

PLS successful in having Queensland Corrective Services reconsider its decision Read More »

Protecting the Freedom to Communicate on Government and Political matters

In November 2015 the Prisoners Legal Service represented a parolee with respect to a judicial review of the Queensland Community Corrections Board (“QCCB”) decision to place a condition on her parole, that she was not to publish any document sustainably connected with or describing any detail of the offence for which she was on parole, or with any

Protecting the Freedom to Communicate on Government and Political matters Read More »
