PLS and LawRight have jointly written a submission to KPMG in relation to the independent review being conducted into Parole Board Queensland. PLS and LawRight have raised concerns about unprecedented delays in parole decisions, proposing potential solutions to address this administrative and social crisis.
The letter outlines the substantial human and financial costs associated with these delays. Delayed parole decisions result in people who do not pose a risk to the community being kept in prison at an estimated cost to the State of $3.9M each month. This does not even take into account costs relating to delayed decision making in relation to parole suspensions, which are unascertainable given the lack of statutory timeframe.
It is the view of PLS and LawRight, that streamlined Board processes and targeted representation through oral hearings would be key in addressing the current crisis, and optimising the parole system to avoid such a crisis in future.
A copy of our letter can be accessed here.